Sarah & Eugenuia In Vanity Room + Video - January 2015

Sarah & Eugenuia In Vanity Room + Video - January 2015
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Sarah Summers and Eugenia Diordiychuk have some serious naked ambition in this set from photographer Damir K. On the set of their photoshoot, the ladies are getting their hair and makeup done – and wardrobe be damned, these busty beauties decide to have a little one-on-one fun. Damir gave us good direction, says Sarah. We'd do something hot, and he'd be like, Stay there! Both Sarah and Eugenia prefer men, but when push comes to shove – or in this case, kiss comes to touch – both have a very specific love interest in mind. My perfect woman has black hair, green eyes and big lips, says Eugenia. And small boobs. I don't know why – maybe because mine are so big. Sarah agrees. Black hair and green eyes for sure, like Megan Fox, she says. Done and done! Get er done with Sarah Summers and Eugenia Diordiychuk, right here on Playboy Plus.
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